Author: Chad Fowler

Sub-title: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development


When you have too much time to work, work time reduces significantly in value. Structure your work to fit in within 8 hours of the day then you will suddenly realise you do not have enough time to push things to the evening.

Dont let your career be an accident, plan it.

Do not practice during your performance (while working), you have to make time for practice. It is your responsibility.

Take your time to learn the business domain

To attain mastery, you need to be the worst in the room, remember you can also regress in performance depending on who you are hanging out with . I would liken this to apprenticeship from mastery book.

Its okay to say no when asked to do something if you are not sure you will be able to deliver it

Keep learning, don’t be obsolete


  1. The Purple Cow
  2. leading the revolution - how to thrive in turbulent times by making innovation a way of life
  3. Microserfs
  4. Extreme Programming Explained
  5. The pragmatic Programmer
  6. The miracle of mindfulness
  7. Zen and art of motorcycle maintenance
  8. The ten-day MBA