- Rust programming language book
- read from cover to cover as fast as possible
- If you dont understand anything, note it and move on
- brown university course
- Read through the brown university version at a good pace
- Use rustlings
- Do all katas, after finishing, do them weekly
- UltraLearning
- Learn You a Haskell for Great Good
title RUSTY Plan
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
axisFormat %d-%b
tickInterval 2week
section RUST
Programming Book :a1, 2024-05-14, 60d
Brown University :a2, after a1, 20d
Rustlings :30d
section Ultra Learning
Ultra Learning :2024-06-03, 30d
section Haskell
Learn Haskell :after a2 2024-01-12, 60d